

We're breaking grounds with
AI in Project Management

We’re innovating Project management, and taking it to never-seen-before heights.

Using AI, we’re making work predictable and repeatable, leveraging lessons learned from historical projects.

Team Culture

A Curious & Learning team

We believe that a learning team is a healthy team.

So CrystalPM works constantly to build a culture of learning, both experiential and academic. We work with each team member in envisioning their growth path, and defining their needed learning and experiences. Each individual team member works with assigned mentors, to hand-hold them through learning, stabilization, and growth stages.

Each new joinee is also assigned a Buddy who will hand-hold the new member and help to blend into the team seamlessly.

A trustful team

We believe that trust in the individual is key for a Win-Win for both the team and the company. So, CrystalPM’s strategy for Team-building is to scale as a Virtually operating team, fully driven on the principles of Management by Objectives. Because we strongly believe that Remote work is the way of the future.

An Open team

At CrystalPM, we welcome your inputs & thoughts, even if it goes against our established strategy. We believe that every team member is a family member who has a lot to bring to the table.

We believe in growing together, making mistakes, and learning from the mistakes.



We’ll challenge and guide you to grow in your career, as fast as you are able to.

Buddy system

We’ll help you settle into the team seamlessly.


We’ll help you grow effectively in your position and career.


We believe in Remote work & Management by Objectives.

CrystalPM.ai is a Registered Trademark of Freelance Teams Pvt Ltd, India

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