AI-driven Project Health
for Agile Projects.

CrystalPM bridges Project Management gaps existing in
Agile PM Tools and drives predictable success in Projects.

14 days free-trial, no credit card required.
Trusted by world’s leading brands

For the first time:
Agile IT Projects evolved, with AI.

CrystalPM is adding Artificial Intelligence to all aspects of Agile IT Projects, working to automatedly assess the likelihood of Project success in real-time,  drive up the predictability of  success outcomes, and driving down the probability and impact of risks.

AI-driven Evolution of Agile.

Project success potential assessment

Project success potential assessment

Failure Root causes identification

Failure Root causes identification

Recovery plan<br>definition

Recovery plan

Disputes containment & resolution

Disputes containment & resolution

360° Management -
Built for IT Delivery teams
AND Business Customers.

CrystalPM facilitates both Businesses and Delivery teams to manage Project status at their own levels of Requirement granularity.

CrystalPM supports Business Users by providing clarity of delivery at a Business function level.

CrystalPM also enables clarity of work completion to IT Delivery teams, by mapping Business Features to Epics & User stories and presenting the actual Delivery view to the Delivery teams.

360° Management - Driving clarity & alignment.

Business  Features & <br> status

Business Features &

Scope Deployment <br>Status

Scope Deployment

Business to Delivery Features mapping

Business to Delivery Features mapping

Auto Contract Compliance
= Peace of mind.

CrystalPM enables peace of mind for both parties in any contract, by real-time monitoring of actual performance against Contract SLAs, and automated reporting  of contract compliance in a simplified manner for both sides of the engagement:

  • For Business Customers on aspects like Scope delivered & Quality, and
  • For IT Delivery Teams on aspects like Payments, Scope creep, and Customer engagement.

Auto Contract Compliance
= Peace of mind.

CrystalPM enables peace of mind for both parties in any contract, by real-time monitoring of actual performance against Contract SLAs, and automated reporting  of contract compliance in a simplified manner for both sides of the engagement:

  • For Business Customers on aspects like Scope delivered & Quality, and
  • For IT Delivery Teams on aspects like Payments, Scope creep, and Customer engagement.

Automated Contract Compliance.

Automated Business-side  Contract compliance

Automated Business-side Contract compliance

Automated Delivery-side Contract compliance

Automated Delivery-side Contract compliance

Data- and AI-driven Contract compliance assessments

Data- and AI-driven Contract compliance assessments

Project Outcomes Forecasting - So that you can plan for options.
(Just in case of issues).

CrystalPM brings together its analysis of a variety of factors to forecast the likely completion outcomes of a given project, such as:

  • Scope and complexity,
  • Execution velocity,
  • Historical performance of the Execution team,
  • Engagement of the teams, etc.

Automated Forecasting of Project completion.

Automated Team Performance<br>assessments

Automated Team Performance

Automated  User  Engagement  assessments

Automated User Engagement assessments

AI-driven  Project Completion<br>forecasting

AI-driven Project Completion

Auto Dispute management, to minimize impacts of Disputes.

CrystalPM has defined a framework for automatically triggering & addressing potential disputes during projects execution.

The entire workflow is data-driven, based on data captured at source within the CrystalPM application.

The Rules-based Engine will help streamline the Dispute process, while the AI will help to limit the impact of disputes.

Automated Dispute Management.

Automated   Rules Engine for Disputes triggering

Automated Rules Engine for Disputes triggering

Automated   Rules Engine for Dispute actions

Automated Rules Engine for Dispute actions

AI-driven  Dispute resolution recommendations

AI-driven Dispute resolution recommendations

Research and find the right content

Research keywords

Velit aliquet arcu id interdum et sed purus tellus pharetra. Vitae scelerisque donec gravida ullamcorper iaculis sed sed elementum mauris. Pretium enim.

Publish at the right time

Mattis sit nunc diam in donec et risus. Morbi urna amet vestibulum sed cursus vitae venenatis, pellentesque. Malesuada vitae porttitor cursus ut. Id leo.

Integration between platforms

Amet, vel, aenean et dictum scelerisque praesent augue. Habitasse pharetra, volutpat lorem vel suspendisse. Volutpat enim in blandit integer at libero. Leo.

Schedule your content to publish automatically

Vestibulum suspendisse sed ipsum, elementum. Tellus facilisis nulla consequat mattis proin ornare cras aliquam posuere. Sed congue mi massa lectus arcu et.

Aliquet ut elementum risus, ullamcorper semper. Parturient diam dolor massa rhoncus tellus. Tempor in habitant cras facilisis viverra netus ut nibh quisque. Mi et erat nullam gravida turpis pharetra.

Measure traffic and personalized insights

Vestibulum suspendisse sed ipsum, elementum. Tellus facilisis nulla consequat mattis proin ornare cras aliquam posuere. Sed congue mi massa lectus arcu et.

What our users says

Eget laoreet auctor cras tellus. Phasellus at nisi nam vestibulum ut eget vitae sed. Potenti aliquam feugiat proin facilisi. Est interdum eget ut aliquam nec non nunc tincidunt. Ut lacus nisi, ac nunc adipiscing urna sagittis.

More engagement

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Nunc libero diam, pellentesque a erat at, laoreet dapibus enim. Donec risus nisi, egestas ullamcorper sem quis.