

> Micromanaging your Remote workers? Own it, then fix it.

Micromanaging your Remote workers? Own it, then fix it.

Micromanaging your Remote workers? Own it, then fix it.

This was published as part of Gartner Insight Series, on 21st February 2022. 

In short:

  • Remote work is the new norm for many employees, but some leaders remain concerned about achieving the same productivity they once saw on-site.
  • Leaders’ perceived lack of control compels many of them to micromanage, but doing so just makes employees less engaged, motivated and productive.
  • Gut check if you’re micromanaging, and then apply these leadership techniques to stop yourself and introduce more productive, trust-building behaviors.

As remote work becomes the norm for many employees, some leaders are falling into the trap of micromanaging employees, a practice which ultimately drives down engagement, motivation, productivity and trust. Don’t despair: You can still stop yourself with these actions.

Ask these five questions to determine whether you’re guilty. If you are, do this instead. Your employees will thank you.

Read the article here.


Author: Jackie Wiles at Gartner.

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